
Miscarriage sucks

Miscarriage sucks. So this isn’t the inspirational meme you might expect. Nope, but that’s because from the outset there’s very little inspiration to be taken from miscarriage. It robs you of your hope. It breaks your heart. It causes untold combinations of physical, emotional, mental pain, and no matter what avenue of miscarriage handling you…… Continue reading Miscarriage sucks

Tips and Treats

Know when to step away from the forums…

The internet is a wondrous thing. No matter what we need to find out, day or night, drunk or sober, single or married, funny or sad, there’s a plethora of pages crammed full of information & facts, speculation & opinion, all waiting for us to sift through. It’s a god-send and a curse all in…… Continue reading Know when to step away from the forums…


The Five Week Wait

Every single time I’ve had an embryo transfer, it’s been a cruel double-edged sword for me. I’ve always implanted, which is great news. And then I’ve miscarried within the 1st trimester, which is soul-destroying. Implantation is no small thing, and I don’t take it for granted. There are many women who never experience implantation, as their wombs…… Continue reading The Five Week Wait